Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ten Tips for Creativity & Innovation

Back in in 1999 IDEO allowed ABC Nightly News cameras into their working environment. The challenge that was filmed was the redesign of the shopping trolley in just 5-days.

So what's the big deal? Well IDEO is famed for their process of generating and nurturing CREATIVE & INNOVATIVE WORKING ENVIRONMENT, and have developed thousands of great products, having won enough design and creativity awards to fill a few cabinets. It goes without saying then that they know a couple of things about the creative process.

Here are A FEW GOLDEN RULES FOR CREATING AN INNOVATIVE ENVIRONMENT that I pulled out of their hat based upon the program:

Tip-01: Forget hierarchy during ideation. Corporate fluff during the ideation stage simply doesn't work.  Great ideas rule, not titles.

Tip-02: Eclectic groups are good for innovation. Differing viewpoints foster innovation. Psychologists and linguists, can be just as important as engineers and industrial designers during the design process.

Tip-03: Have fun while you work. It boosts interest which & morale which fosters creativity.

Tip-04: Process is important. Sometimes it's more important than being a down-right expert in any given field.

Tip-05. Differing viewpoints are healthy for ideation. You want to hire people who don't want to just take orders, but think for themselves and sometimes disagree with you (For those who disagree with this point - please submit your CV to

Tip-06: Really understanding/observing the consumer is important.

Tip-07: IDEO's mantra for innovation & brainstorming: "One conversation at a time". "Stay focused on topic". "Encourage wild ideas". "Defer Judgement". "Build upon the ideas of others".

Tip-08. IDEO's approach to narrowing down or converging ideas can be summed by the following, "Enlightened trial and error succeeds over the planning of the lone genius".

Tip-09. You have to sometimes refocus during the ideation stage as in the real world; in the real world you work under time constraints.

Tip-10. There's no substitute for hard work, putting in a lot of hours, an open mind, a demand for fresh ideas, and solid team work.

Check out the program. There's nothing like seeing it for yourself:

Inside IDEO - Part 1

Inside IDEO - Part 2

Inside IDEO - Part 3

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