But, and there is always a but, I was endlessly frustrated with a particular piece of video equipment, that was an eternal pain to operate, and had me wincing each time I 'voluntarily' pulled it out. I wasn't able to locate (or afford)the Uber version, and settled with a lesser variation, saving a few (well quite a few) pennies. A good decision? No, probably the worst I have made recently - in terms of equipment purchases. The thing would jam each and every time, and although finally on the 20th take it delivered something like what I was looking for, it still meant some kind of picture cleanup when I got back to the editing station. So factoring in that I could have doubled the number of shots I was able to take because of all the fiddling around, I think it was an investment that has cost me more (in time, which is money) than blowing more upfront on the fully featured version with shipping.
Lesson - sometimes it is better to find ways to stretch and invest in quality tools that will last a lifetime. Peace.